Clarification On the Allegations Made To The Company

Back Jun 29, 2022
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

Cypark Resources Berhad ("CRB" or "the Company") - Clarification on the allegations made to the Company

We refer to the article titled “The Mystery of Cypark Resources Berhad” published in various blogs and websites. The Board of Directors of CRB (“Board”) deny all the claims of the allegations made to the Company in the above article. The Company deems the irresponsible and anonymous article which contains wrongful, inaccurate and/or false accusation or information is purposely written with malicious intent and misled the investors/stakeholders. The Board wish to inform that the Company’s fundamentals and all the contractual rights under all the various concession agreements remain solid and valid.

The Company reserves all rights to act on any malice statement and the Board will take necessary steps or legal avenue to address them.

This announcement is dated 29 June 2022.


Announcement Info

Stock Name CYPARK
Date Announced 29 Jun 2022
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-29062022-00047