Change In Boardroom - Dato' Hamidah Binti Moris

Back Mar 30, 2023
Date of change 30 Mar 2023
Age 61
Gender Female
Nationality Malaysia
Designation Independent Director
Directorate Independent and Non Executive
Type of change Appointment


Major/Field of Study
Additional Information

Masters in History and Philosophy of Social and Political Science

University of Essex, UK


Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics & Politics

University of Essex, UK


Working experience and occupation

Dato' Hamidah Binti Moris, known to many as Dato' Ami Moris, is the former Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Investment Banking Group (IBG), where she played a leading role in its elevation from a single-market Malaysian entity into ASEAN's leading homegrown investment bank with business operations in 10 countries. Maybank IBG became ASEAN's largest equities franchise and was voted Best Broker in Southeast Asia for nine consecutive years; while consistently placing in the top 10 of ASEAN's investment banking league table.

In this role, Dato' Ami was a key architect of Maybank IBG's sustainability-first approach; a pledge to be 'a force for good' by doing the right things right, for stakeholders. As a passionate nation builder, Dato' Ami was appointed as Member of the Board to Universiti Malaya and Universiti Malaya Holdings in February 2022 and appointed to Malaysia's Water Commission / Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) in February 2023.

Dato' Ami is also the Chair of 30% Club Malaysia. As a leader, she believes that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are key to an organisation's performance and success and is passionate in elevating the DEI Agenda as part of the battle for the best people to be in the right positions not only for organisations but for the nation.

She has co-anchored the Invest Malaysia capital market conference series with Bursa Malaysia Berhad which has become the primary platform for the Malaysian Government's capital market announcements, as well as the showcase for Malaysia's top listed companies with global institutional investors via roadshows spanning the United States, Europe and Asia since 2010. Dato' Ami has also led the creation of Maybank Group's Invest ASEAN capital market conference series in Singapore since 2015 with annual instalments across ASEAN; bringing corporate access, deal flow and thought leadership to regional and global funds.

Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any)


Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer


Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer


Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries



Announcement Info

Stock Name CYPARK
Date Announced 30 Mar 2023
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference Number C03-28032023-00009