Dealings In Listed Securities (Chapter 14 Of Listing Requirements) : Dealings Outside Closed Period

Back Nov 06, 2023
Subject Dealings Outside Closed Period


No Salutation Name Designation Description Of "Others" Designation
1 DATO' DAUD BIN AHMAD Others Group Chief Executive Officer
Type of Transaction Others
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction Exercise of ESOS
Date of Transaction 03 Nov 2023
Description of Securities Ordinary Shares
No of Securities Transacted 18,000,000
% of Securities Transacted 2.202
Consideration Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 6,840,000.000


Remarks :
The Company wishes to inform that Dato' Daud Bin Ahmad, being the Group Chief Executive Officer of the Company, had given notice of his dealings in the securities of the Company outside closed period.

This announcement is dated 6 November 2023.


Announcement Info

Stock Name CYPARK
Date Announced 06 Nov 2023
Category Dealings in Listed Securities (Chapter 14 of Listing Requirements)
Reference Number DLR-03112023-00009